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Alongside a 45 minute performance of ‘I Don’t think You’re Ready’ or 'Caption This' we can provide a singular or series of workshops post-performance depending on the needs of the group.

There are multiple workshops to choose from:


- Devising Skills; an insight into research techniques, developing material, generating ideas, teamwork and structuring. 

- Encouraging Conversation; a workshop surrounding the topic of the show, encouraging healthy conversation about body image and/or social media.


- A mixture of the two listed above.


All workshops and the performance itself, is adaptable for different groups and negotiable with group leaders.



Performance (approx. 45 minutes)


Performance (approx. 45 minutes) and a 1 hour workshop **Recommended**


Performance (approx. 45 minutes) and a 2 hour workshop


We are also happy to conduct a 20 minute Question & Answer session post-performance, and let the participants pick our brains for just £15 extra. 

Please note that these prices are based on an average of 30 students/participants. Prices are subject to change depending on the size of the group. Travel costs are NOT included in the price and will be added depending on location.


We are more than happy to tailor workshops and the performance to suit the group, so please just ask. We can also send you a breakdown of the performance, if you require.


To make an enquiry please contact us on:

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